Frequently Asked Questions                                                                    

What is Interactive Metronome?
Interactive Metronome, or "IM", is a computer-based training program to enhance brain performance.
This neuro-motor training program uses a patented auditory guidance system to measure and improve one’s rhythm and timing. 
The user synchronizes simple motor activities with a computer-generated reference tone. Headphones and sensors are connected to the computer and give instant audio and visual feedback to the user on the timing of their actions.  Over the course of the treatment, participants learn to: Focus and attend for longer periods of time, increase physical endurance and stamina, filter out internal and external distractions, and improve ability to monitor mental and physical actions as they are occurring.  Interactive Metronome is not tutoring, nor is it a passive listening program.
What are the Main Benefits of Interactive Metronome?
IM Improves:
     Attention and Concentration
        Reading and Math Fluency
            Control of Aggression/ Impulsivity
                Language Processing
                   Motor Control and Coordination

Is this something I purchase?
No.  The IM training program is administered by certified professionals who have learned how to use the equipment and software to accommodate each client’s individual needs, abilities and goals.  Providers work one on one with clients to establish goals, create a training plan, adjust the plan as necessary and coach the client as they do the exercises.  The provider also interprets their results, scores and progress and makes adjustments accordingly to assure that they are being sufficiently challenged to receive the maximum benefit.

Who should do IM?
Children and adults with ADD/ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Sensory Integration Disorder, Asperger Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke, M.S., Parkinson’s, Athletes (for peak performance training),  Anyone who wants to improve their efficiency and organization.

How long does Interactive Metronome take?

Each session is about one hour in length (one-on-one with your provider) and a typical training program usually consists of 12 to 15 sessions depending on the client’s condition and the treatment goals.  The recommended frequency is 2 to 3 times per week for maximum effectiveness but it can be done less often with good results. Training can usually be completed in 4 to 7 weeks.

Is there evidence to prove the effectiveness of IM?
Yes, plenty!  There have been many studies on hundreds of people to demonstrate the effectiveness of IM.  These include a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 9 to 12-year-old boys diagnosed with ADHD, an Academic Fluency Study with over 1500 middle and high school students, a Title 1 Study, a Parkinson’ study, a golf study and others.  Click on the Research Tab to read more.    

Are the outcomes from IM long-lasting?
Yes.  Patients tested more than a year after having IM treatment continue to demonstrate the improved timing scores (typically within 10 milliseconds of discharge scores) and continue to demonstrate functional gains. Some clients may want a few booster sessions to get back to peak performance after a period of months without IM intervention. For the few that need booster sessions, it usually only takes a few sessions to get back to peak performance (not requiring as much as they did the first time).

Are there changes that occur in the brain to bring about these results?
IM improves the brain’s underlying motor planning and sequencing ability.  IM treatment substantially affects several structures of the brain recognized as being central to effective and efficient information processing and it appears to improve the efficiency of the synapses in transmitting information. IM has shown to be an effective means by which timing and rhythm, and those human abilities dependent upon them, can be improved.  It is well recognized that athletics, music, dance and physical and occupational therapies do improve timing and rhythm generally; however, IM appears to address timing and rhythmicity at a more direct, fundamental, neural level than is possible with those other therapies.